I am writing this blog because I have read things on the internet about hammer toe surgery that are scary. Of course any surgery is something to be avoided; but I have been having a much easier recovery than I expected, so I decided to share information. First and foremost, if you think you are a candidate for surgery, you need to find a top notch physician particularly one who specializes in feet. Lets face it, if you were getting married and wanted a really good wedding cake, you'd ask your friend and do some checking around wouldn't you? Then unless you had someone who offered to bake one for you, you'd probably go to some place that specialized in wedding cakes. Well then, why go to any surgeon who says they can do bunions or hammer toes? I have heard too many stories about botched bunion surgeries. Why not go to someone with a good reputation who specializes in foot surgery.
In my case, I went to a Dr. who specializes in foot surgery who did my bunion surgery over 10 years ago with superb results! Of course I went back when I thought I needed hammer toe surgery. He kindly put me off as he did with my left bunion since the bunion and hammer toes were not causing me severe pain and distress and said to come back when they became a real problem. That was two years ago. At that time, he suggested a small orthotic in each shoe positioned by a pedorthic specialist that would push up just below the base of the tarsometatarsal joint and which would help straighten out the toes. The orthotic is glued to the bottom of the insert in the shoe provided shoes have a removable insert.
He asked what I had been doing to my toes as they were still quite flexible. I had talked to an Occupational Therapist at a party some time back and she had suggested passive stretch. The first 10 years of my professional life were as an OT so I understood the concept. I did regular passive stretch (an over simplification) but basically without stretching so hard that they hurt, the procedure is to hold each toe or two toes at the same time in as straight a position as possible without hyperextending them. The stretch is to be maintained for 5 minutes. I set the timer on my I-phone and stretch while I am watching TV. Warning! Stretching too long can cause the tendons to contract even more. Its a good idea to have one session with a Physical Therapist to go over the passive stretch technique so you do it correctly. A lot depends on how tight your tendons are. I started stretching when my tendons were beginning to show signs of tightening. It took some time with once a day stretching to get them so I could straighten them out. Surprisingly, no Dr. ever suggested I do this.
My Dr. said to keep doing passive stretch but that it was not a cure and that eventually I would need surgery. I also explained that I was using Gel Toe Protectors that I buy at Walgreens. I cut the tip off and then cut the tube in two so as to position over the toe joint where it bumps on the shoe. I also use moleskin I cut in short pieces to cushion the bottom of toes as needed. He approved of everything I was doing, told me to get the orthotics put in my shoes (cost $30/pr) and to call him when the pain was such that surgery was justified.
I am now in week three of recovery and doing very well. On a personal note. I am a baby boomer and have adult onset diabetes and am on an insulin pump. I have been diabetic for 26 years and really work at maintaining good blood sugars. I have no diabetic complications, good circulation and good sensation. I also heal well. I had four hammer toes repaired on my right foot. This is the same foot with the previous bunion surgery. Tomorrow a few helpful things I did before surgery and the two most important things that aided my recovery.
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